Private Session Fees
Fee Statement:
My fee is $130 - $180per hour.
All sessions are two hours, so $260 - $360 per session.
Financial Hardship:
I’ll discount my fee for people who can’t afford my regular scale. If this applies to you, consider your current situation and propose a fee that seems appropriate. As I have limited space in my practice for folks who fall below my scale fee, please check in with me beforehand for availability.
A Word About Proposing a Fee:
Sometimes people feel uncomfortable about proposing a fee. If that’s the case, just sit quietly, tune in to the universal flow. Let a number come to you. I trust the flow to take care of you and me.
Experiencing Financial Abundance?
On the opposite scale of things, I gratefully receive amounts above my regular fee scale. It’s always a lovely and surprising gesture when folks can support this way.
Semi-Private Session Fees
All group sessions are two hours for 4 to 6 participants.
The cost per person is $100 per session.